大众日报记者 周艳 杨庭栋 见习记者 毕淑雅 陈景郁 唐亚迪
2023-09-26 10:37:18 发布来源:大众报业·大众日报客户端
Inheriting a thousand years, we are in dialogue with civilization.
We cross the mountains and the seas with the hundreds of voices.
From 26 to 28 September, the Ninth Nishan Forum on World Civilizations will be held at Nishan in Qufu, Jining, Shandong Province. Experts and scholars from different countries will focus on the theme of “Humanity’s Common Values and a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind - Strengthening Civilizational Exchanges and Mutual Learning to Address Global Challenges Together”, and will participate in a civilizational meeting exchanging ideas in a combined online and offline way.
Dazhong Daily, together with JiangsuNow International Communication Center, Sichuan International Communication Center, Gansu International Communication Center,Zhejiang Daily Overseas Communication Matrix, Beijing Daily, Yunnan Daily, Nanguo Jinbao, Southeast Net, and other media, jointly promotes a joint poster to invite the world to join the meeting of civilization and paint the pictures of the times together.
统筹:周艳 杨庭栋
翻译:毕淑雅 陈景郁 黄鑫
设计:唐亚迪 车婷婷 魏亦汝
责任编辑: 蔡继钗 签审: 吴永功