@Love Shandong|这里是山东·滨州篇
大众日报记者 姜斌 杨庭栋 张文婷 杨秀秀
2022-12-13 06:52:46 发布来源:大众报业·大众日报客户端
滨州因居于“渤海之滨 黄河之州”而得名,是黄河文化和齐文化的发祥地之一。滨州位于黄河下游鲁北平原,境域横跨黄河两岸,是黄河三角洲高效生态经济区域面积最大、人口最多的行政区。滨州是世界高端铝产业基地,中国棉花生产基地,还是闻名中外的“中国冬枣之乡”。山东最具代表性的地方剧种吕剧发源于此,曾涌现出兵圣孙武,经学大师伏生,绘画大师展子虔,一代帝师杜受田等名人志士。域内94公里黄河雄浑东去,126公里海岸线蜿蜒流长。南依泰山副岳,中部黄河穿城,北枕渤海浪花……依山、拥河、向海成就滨州的鲜明特色。
Binzhou gotits name for being located by the Bohai Sea and the Yellow River. It is one of the birthplaces of the Yellow River culture and Qi culture. Located at the lower reach of the Yellow River in northern Shandong, the region of Binzhou straddles both banks of the Yellow River. It is the administrative region with the largest area and population in the efficient ecological economic region of the Yellow River Delta. Binzhou is a high-end aluminum industry base in the world, a cotton production base in China, and famous for “hometown of Chinese winter dates” at home and abroad. Lu Opera, the most representative local opera in Shandong, originated here. It is also the hometown of many celebrities in history, such as famous militarist Sun Wu, master of Confucian classics Fu Sheng, painter Zhan Ziqian, and royal teacher Du Shoutian. The Yellow River through this city stretches 94 kilometers eastward, and the coastline stretches 126 kilometers. Adjacent to Mount Tai in the south, the Yellow River through its middle region and the Bohai Sea in the north, Binzhou gets its striking feature for embracing mountain, river and sea at the same time.
责任编辑: 杨庭栋