@Love Shandong|这里是山东·济南篇
大众日报记者 杨庭栋 王彤彤 王健 马立莹
2022-02-12 07:44:07 发布来源:大众报业·大众日报客户端
Located at the center of Bohai Bay Rim, Jinan is one of China's megalopolises and sub-provincial cities. It is also the political, economic, cultural, and financial center of Shandong province, which has the third strongest economic potential of provinces in China. Jinan is becoming a powerful draw for foreign nationals and international companies due to its favorable recruitment policies and dynamic business environment. The city will continue to promote advanced and modern economic development and keep its focus on developing emerging industries and advanced manufacturing sectors to attract more high-end companies and talents.
参与记者:周艳 王召群 杨庭栋 王彤彤
责任编辑: 杨庭栋 签审: 兰传斌